1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 /** 4 * @param s: A string 5 * @param p: A string includes "?" and "*" 6 * @return: A boolean 7 */ 8 bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { 9 // write your code here10 int m = strlen(s), n = strlen(p);11 vectorcur(m + 1, false);12 cur[0] = true;13 for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {14 bool pre = cur[0];15 cur[0] = cur[0] && p[j - 1] == '*';16 for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {17 bool temp = cur[i];18 if (p[j - 1] != '*')19 cur[i] = pre && (s[i - 1] == p[j - 1] || p[j - 1] == '?');20 else cur[i] = cur[i - 1] || cur[i];21 pre = temp;22 }23 }24 return cur[m];25 }26 };
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 /** 4 * @param s: A string 5 * @param p: A string includes "?" and "*" 6 * @return: A boolean 7 */ 8 bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { 9 // write your code here10 const char* asterisk = NULL;11 const char* match = NULL;12 while (*s) {13 if (*p == '*') {14 asterisk = p++;15 match = s;16 }17 else if (*s == *p || *p == '?') {18 s++;19 p++;20 }21 else if (asterisk) {22 s = ++match;23 p = asterisk + 1;24 }25 else return false;26 }27 while (*p == '*') p++;28 return !*p;29 }30 };